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About Us

Event management has always held a special place in our hearts but finding our niche and ways we can impact the industry had always been challenging at best.  That is until our journey to fulfill our creative drive led us to the photo booth arena!  This discovery perfectly meshes two parts of an industry that we are so passionate about - event planning and creative design.



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We have the capabilities to service any type of event.  From weddings to corporate functions and everything in between - Props Photo Booth can accommodate you!  With a focus on personalized service, competitive rates and customer satisfaction, we "Aim for the WOW!" as we're always striving to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.

Throughout this journey, we've learned that great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals. We truly believe that our services are the best in the photo booth business and have complete and total confidence that you will be pleased with our quality and expertise.

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